Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hybrid Animal

      For my hybrid animal project I used the following animals; possum, tiger, white bengal tiger, 2 different rabbits, and a baby cheetah. I used the body shape of the possum and its front legs and then covered the body using the baby cheetah fur with the clone stamp. I placed the baby cheetah's head on top of this body and then blended some of the fur from the tiger in the face. From the first rabbit I selected the floppy ears and the second rabbit i used the back foot. The last thing i did was place the tail from the white bengal tiger onto my hybrid animal.
     I wanted my hybrid animal to be small so I decided to place it in a flower bush where it balances on a branch. I added a dark shadow on the ground and branch-like shadows across the animal itself. They build nests in the ground under bushes and sleep there at night.
     My hybrid animal is an herbivore, its front paws are used to grasp onto plants and hold food. Its teeth are sharp enough to open the shells on seeds and nuts. The back feet are strong enough to balance the animal while reaching for food in higher places.